Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Terrifically Talented Tuesday!

Hi buddies!
We were all set to do another "Rootin', Tootin' Tuesday" post, but we just heard that Tillman, the skateboarding wonder dog, has a new television series on Animal Planet, debuting on February 18th, called "Who Let The Dogs Out"! Looks like it's going to be a blast! So many talented pups and their people came out fur the auditions. We can hardly wait to see it!
So... to celebrate, every Tuesday at TillmanSkates.com, come and join the Blog Hop! Link your blog or FaceBook post about your talent (or your best friend's talent)! Each week a randomly chosen blog will win a 30 pound bag of Natural Balance Pet Food and a case of Tillman's Treats! Best of all, they'll be able to choose a no-kill shelter or rescue to receive 1,000 pounds of Natural Balance Pet Food, baroooooo!
Bloggers from all over the world can take part in the hop, but the prizes and donations must be sent to U.S. or Canadian addresses.
Now fur my special talent, although it's just one of many, BOL! I've got a nose fur trouble! I seem to find it everywhere I go!

Thanks fur stopping by, come join us on the Hop!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Training Day!

Hiya buddies!
We all know how important good training is, so I'm going to just run over the hightlights of a properly trained mom or dad!

1. Remember to reward any good behavior with the paw! Let them know that you appreciate all that they're learning to do fur you!
2. In keeping with the paw theme, when they sit down to relax, remind them with your paw that it's time fur you! You've waited all day fur them to sit and relax and they need to remember to play with you now!
3. During dinner, use the paw to remind them that you're entitled to a taste (or 2) of the people's foods. Never works fur me, but it's worth a try buddies!
4. When they're getting ready fur work during the week is a great time to lay out the guilt trip... works fur me all the time! Unless it's a Barker Lounge Day, there's always a few extra treats in it fur me!
5. Remind your person what side of the bed is yours, mine is usually the middle!
Thanks fur stopping by buddies, barooooo!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm Made Fur Monday Mischief!

Any day's a good day fur mischief, barroooo!
Just look at this face! Look angelic, don't I? Can't fool mom 'tho.

After my breakfast and walk this morning, as she was getting ready fur work, she heard me go upstairs. She assumed (& never assume anything with a hound) that I was going back to bed. BOL!
Surprise! I very quietly ransacked her hamper. When she found me on the bed, surrounded by socks and sweaters, she wasn't too happy. Of course, she should have taken a picture, but she was a little peeved as she had to head out the door.
Oh well, maybe next time she'll remember to put the nicely folded laundry away. I had to take advantage of the opportunity while I could! Who could blame me buddies?

Thank you Alfie's Blog, Snoopy's Dog Blog, and Luna, a Dog's Life, and My Brown Newfies fur hosting this hop!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snowy Saturday!

We've had it pretty easy here in the Northeast, compared to last year's endless winter. But we had a few inches of snow yesterday, so I was able to play fur a bit until my paws got too cold!

I like snow, but don't like when it's too deep to get around in. This snowfall was perfect fur me! Although the wind and the snowflakes made me shake my ears!

So, I helped mom fill our bird feeder, we played catch with a few snowballs then it was back to my couch! It was another terrific Saturday!
Although we're a day late *giving mom the stink eye*, we're participating in the Saturday’s Pet Blog Hop, hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life With Dogs and Confessions of the Plume. If you’d like to participate, please follow the rules and follow your three hosts, add your blog to the Linky and copy and paste the html code into your html editor. Thanks to our hosts for putting on the hop!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Pet Blogger Challenge!

Thanks Amy of Go Pet Friendly and Edie of Will My Dog Hate Me for hosting the Pet Blogger Challenge! This is our first year of blogging, so I'll turn the keyboard over to mom and have her answer all your questions!
Thanks Prudence, so here we go with our answers!

1. When did you begin your blog?
June 5th, 2011, after my usual procrastination.... I finally dove in! I had really wanted to start a personal blog dealing with my many hobbies and work a while back but couldn't find my "voice" . It's much easier to write for Prudence, she's an open book.

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?
To share Prudence's adventures, as I imagine her seeing them through her eyes. I'd like to also introduce our kitties to our readers over time. We had been tweeting for a while (@tildatoo) and Prudence sometimes needs more than 140 characters to express herself.

3. Is your current purpose the same?
Currently, yes, although I'm exploring ways of growing out. Letting Prudence be a spokesdog for rescued dogs perhaps.

If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?
The fact that we continue to post and our readership is growing slowly, but surely.

4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?
I try to post three times a week, although I think it would help if I kept to a structured schedule.

If the latter, do you worry about… well, whatever you might worry about (e.g. losing traffic, losing momentum)?
What I worry about is losing momentum on my part. I often think I have a touch of Attention Deficit... oooh, somthing shiney..... Sorry.

5. Are you generating income from your blog?
I have an ad, but I need to draw more traffic to order to make more than a few cents. It's worth it to me as long as it's fun. And I enjoy it.

6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular?
I love the community! Seldom does a post not get a comment. There is such great support among fellow pet bloggers and the anipals of Twitter. I was able to attend BlogPaws and BarkWorld Expo in 2011 and loved meeting online twitter and blogging friends in person.
Blogging has also shown me the need to improve my own photography and writing skills, so it's a challenge, but one I enjoy.

7. What do you like least?
I can't think of anything, perhaps my own disappointment if I miss a Saturday Pet Blog Hop.

8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012?
I hope to post more and have better photos. Perhaps include more "Life With a Coonhound and Crazy Cats Tips"!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My First Award!

Several weeks ago, Leslie from Bringing Up Bella chose us as one of the recipients of the Liebster Blog Award! This is our first Award and we're so excited! So excited that we (meaning mom) procrastinated about writing the perfect post about it *dang*.

Then last week our stunning pal Cathy Keisha presented us with the Liebster Blog Award! Yowza! I told mom we'd better get our paws to the keyboard. CK was on our list of blogs to include. She's always up front (if not in your face!) and makes us laugh. She knows how to rule the roost!

So here's how it works:

"Liebster means “dearest” in German, and the award is intended to help up-and-coming blogs get the attention they deserve. As with any award, there is a bit of ceremony involved. In order to accept the award, we must do the following:

1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave us the award.
3. Pick our five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs."

So to be fair (and follow the rules as far as we can tell!) tonight we'll post the first five blogs that we'd like to present the Liebster to, then tomorrow we'll add the other five.

Here are our awardees, not in any particular order. Each one has something unique to offer fur your reading enjoyment!

When we think of kindness, our pal Mario comes to mind. He doesn't qualify since he has over 200 followers, but his M has a terrific blog. She writes from the heart about dealing with Parkinson's Disease. Very uplifting with lots of good information.

Our twitter pal Chesire's blog is "Words of a Mindful Kitten". Chesire is a security officer for our PawPawties and has written a book too!

Another of my twitter pals, Yoda, writes about his life with his family. He's a lot like me, loving his toys, treats and people.

47 from Rocco's House is a talented aspiring artist. Her blog chronicles her life with her pups Rocco and Leia.

Basset Momma is all "about random thoughts and daily muse in the life of a basset hound" An avid Lions fan, she writes about the entertaining Fred and Gloria. We have a real soft spot fur hounds at our house too!

Thanks to Leslie and Cathy Keisha for awarding us the Liebster!, baroooo buddies!
Hoping we're not too late to hop!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

By Nature Dog Food Review!

The good people at By Nature sent us some kibble for me to try a few weeks ago. Now since I was a puppy, I've been eating the same dry dog food, which we won't name here. I liked it and it's supposed to be very good for me. But over the past few years I've developed a recurring yeast "condition" in my ears. I have long ears and mom tries her best to keep them clean and dry but this was getting very frustrating for her and for me! My V.E.T. gave her medicine for my ears, but because it keeps coming back, she thinks my diet may play a big part in this problem.

We tried the Adult Dog Formula, which has wonderful things like chicken and lamb meal, oats, brown rice, flaxseed and even berries like blueberries, raspberries and cranberries. All full of what mom says are antioxidants.

Mom was careful to slowly incorporate the By Nature food into my meals, so as not to "rock" my system. After the first week, that was all I was eating. I love it, even cleaning up the mess around my dish that happens when I eat. And mom sees a big improvement in my ears! So much less "flapping". And she says my coat is softer too. This is just the beginning with By Nature for me, so we'll see how things go in a few months, but mom thinks that even though it may cost more, after reading that Dog Food Advisor gives By Nature Adult Formula 4 (out of 5) stars, she thinks it's worth it. Less monies spent on ear medicine and one less trip to the V.E.T for me, so it's a win for both of us!

Disclaimer: By Nature sent us the kibble to review, and this is our honest opinion of their product. We're not authorities on dog food ingredients, but I know what I like!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Mom's been so busy, she had planned on doing the past year's retrospective, but at this rate it won't be done until next year! I insisted that she takes a minute now to wish all of our pals a very Happy, Healthy New Year! Full of adventure and fun! She'll put up our retrospective later this week *paws crossed*!

We’re participating in this Saturday’s Pet Blog Hop, hosted by Life With Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume. If you’d like to participate, please follow the rules and follow your three hosts, add your blog to the Linky and copy and paste the html code into your html editor. Thanks again to our hosts for putting on the hop!