Monday, September 22, 2014

Cats & Dogs - A Giveaway! Oh My!

Hiya buddies!

      As many of you know, I share my home with a few kitties. Yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard it all before. "Fighting like cats and dogs", yada, yada. Well not at Chez Prudence! I've lived with kitties since mom brought me home and we get along fabulously just fine.
       For the most part, I respect their space and they respect mine, BOL! Okay,  I'll admit to snarfing up their food sometimes,. But in my defense I try my best to wait until they've finished! And sometimes I NEED to lay down on the same cushion on the couch that they're already laying down on, but I'm only canine, after all!

       Well, when mom went to BlogPaws in the spring, she visited the "Cat Style Lounge". Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther online magazine, displayed an array of terrific items, all made for kitties and the people that love them. Lots of cool ideas to make my fursibs (& me) happy! Next thing you know, we were sent an uncorrected proof of Kate and Jackson Galaxy new book "Catification - Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!)" to take a look at. Yowza!

    This book is full of great information, starting with the "human/feline" relationship. A lot of details to help the reader understand cats and what their specific needs are. It includes lots of "Catification" tips from Jackson's TV show "My Cat From Hell" too!

     So many great tips and lots of great ideas and stuff for the "Do It Yourself" crowd too. Mom really loves that!

    The publishing date for "Catification" is October 14th, but you can pre-order your copy now and for every copy preordered before the publishing date, $1 will be donated by the publisher to organizations dedicated to helping homeless cats! Nice! And anyone that preorders "Catification" will receive exclusive discounts toward and
      Now for some really good news! The kind folks at Tarcher/Penguin Publishing also sent a copy for one of our readers, along with a very cute Catification Kitty Lunch bag!