Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow Day!

 The Holiday display at the New York Stock Exchange

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mom's had the week off and she's trying to get ready fur the new year, but I have other plans fur her! She needs to make more time fur me! We're having a little bit of snow today, so it's only right that we take advantage of it!

Thanks fur stopping by buddies! And a big thank you to Baby Patches of Nip and Bones, Life With Dogs, and Two Little Cavaliers fur hosting the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ho, Ho Ho! It's Christmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas,

Joyous Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year!

(Santa with me & mom, in 2010)
Thanks fur stopping by buddies!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday

     The Twitterverse lost a very special friend this week. Our pal Frugal Dougal has left us for the Rainbow Bridge and we're very sad fur his family and fur all the anipals, although, we'll always carry him in our hearts.

  We're all so much better fur having Dougal as a friend, thank you buddy!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday!

The ASPCA working to teach people not to buy anything from a store that sells puppies. Most of the puppies being sold at these stores are from "Puppy Mills", and we all know how terrible they are.  
Thank you to Fidose Of Reality for sharing this video. Please spread the word buddies! Money talks, friends!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

We had a little snow last week, reminding me that winter (& Christmas) is right around the corner! So I'm trying to be good, don't want to make it to Santa's "Naughty List"!
Thanks fur stopping by buddies!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Very Thankful Thursday

          It's Thankful Thursday buddies, and we have so much to be thankful for! A couple of weeks ago, Hurricane Sandy stopped by to visit the Northeast.
        Well, we hope we never see the likes of her again! What heartache and misery she left us! Thankfully we just lost some fencing and were without power for 9 days, but we made the most of it. Some people lost everything! Their homes were destroyed, lives were lost. Our hearts and pawprayers are with them.
(Picture by HumaneSociety.Org) 
       Thankfully, times are changing and many of the shelters welcomed pets too, but there were many left behind. We are so thankful for the rescuers that are continuing to work to put families and their pets back together. This reminds mom that we need to be prepared, just in case we need to head to shelter too! 
Thanks fur stopping by buddies, stay safe!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It A BlogPaws BlogPawty!

Today's the big Surprise Twitter BlogPawty pals! BlogPaws is going to make a big announcement (hence the surprise!) and CokieTheCat's mom is going to be quizzing so here's a chance to win some cool prizes!
The pawty starts today (November 13th) at 12 noon and will go to 12 midnight EST, use the hashtag #BlogPawty on Twitter.

I'll be barktending fur a little while, so stop by!
The Pawpawties are a lot of fun. If you're new to a Twitter Pawty, Cokie has tips on his website to help you out!
Besides a lot of special guest from the BlogPaws Community,  *drumroll here* Da Shibbering Cheetos will be performing live on Twitter from 7-8pm EST! 
RSVP here to be entered in the door prize drawing, looking furward to seeing you at the Pawty! 
Thanks fur stopping by!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sorry We've Been Missing In Action!

    Sorry that we've been missing buddies! Mom had a blast at BarkWorld and is going to be posting about her adventures soon. It really was so much fun, with lots of information, pawties and meeting friends, both old and new.
(Flat Prudence and Panky shared the room with the fabulous @Niqqi!)

       She made it home just before the airport closed here in New Jersey and luckily in time to pick me up from the Barker Lounge. Some awful guest named "Sandy" blew in and really messed up the northeast. We're very blessed and grateful that everyone here is safe. No structural damage besides half our fence blowing over. Still no power at home, but we've been told that it would be back by Friday (oh boy!). Her office is located in the Financial District of NYC, so she hasn't been able to get to work 'til yesterday. *Shaking head*, no heat there either...
       But after seeing and hearing about the devastation around the tri-state area, we're determined not to complain about the power. We're very happy that we have a roof over our heads and everyone is safe (if just a bit chilly, BOL!).
      More to follow pals, we have a lot to catch up with! Thanks fur stopping by!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

BarkWorld Baby! day 1!

As many of you know, mom's attending the BarkWorld Social Media Expo,
in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia.
I'm chilling at the Barker, hanging out with my crew. 
While she's learning lots of new stuff with her crew!

Thanks fur stopping by buddies!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

#btc4a Buddies!

This couldn't be any easier buddies!
      For every post and every tweet, Petco will donate $1 to support rescue pets, those still waiting for their forever homes.

Just Tweet this now through Saturday, October 27 at 11:00 AM (EST):

Rescue pets receive $1 from @Petco at @BarkWorldExpo for each #BTC4A tweet from Oct 22-27! Learn more:

     If you're a blogger, write a post about the campaign and join the Blog Hop. Be sure to use the hashtag $btc4a in your blog title. And if you don't have a blog, just tweet! As mom likes to say, easy peasey pals!
    Rescue organizations need all the financial help they can get to continue to do the great work for animals. Medical expenses, food, shelter, transportation all cost and these costs keep going up.
    BarkWorld attendees will be able to nominate their favorite no-kill 501(c)3 rescue or shelter at the Petco booth through Friday, October 26. The winners will be announced during BarkWorld’s Petco session on Saturday, October 27! Mom's already decided to nominate Eleventh Hour Rescue, they're the wonderful people that rescued me!

      Mom's thrilled to be able to go to BarkWorld, but you don't need to attend to take part. Just tweet or post (or both) and help raise $5,000 for the selected shelter or rescue!
    Thanks for stopping by buddies! And a big thank you to BarkWorld and their Social Good Partners!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

So Blessed!

This weekend, many churches celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a Blessing of the Animals. Mom's friend is in the choir of the Church of the Ascension, in New York City and this is the second year that the church is celebrating! Even 'though it was raining, we were off in the car to the Big Apple!

Last year, it was a beautiful day, and the service was held in front of the Church. Due to the rain, we were all invited in. I was a little nervous, the floors are tiled in marble and that's pretty slippery to this pup!
(sorry for the blur, I was keeping mom busy keeping me calm!)
   Seminarian Alex Martin wrote the Liturgy for today's service (he stepped over to say hello to me, it was very hard not to jump up, he was so nice!). The choir sang for us and Mother Shelley McDade welcomed all the pets and their people to the Church. She reminded everyone that God created people to care for the animals then thanked all the people there for doing just that. Then she and Father James Reho blessed each of us, saying a special prayer for any specific needs or concerns.

      Wow, what a day it was fur me! As much as I love to get out and visit, I couldn't wait to get back into the car fur the ride home!

Thanks fur stopping by buddies! And thank you to the hosts of the Saturday Pet Blog Hop Life With Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Baby Patches at Nip & Bones !

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

      We really do love participating the Pet Blog Hops, there are always new friends to make via the hops. Thankful Thursday is one of mom's favorites, since (as she keeps reminding me) we have so much to be thankful fur!

     Mom just read that Cokie the Cat has turned over the duties of hosting the Thankful Thursday hop to our pal Pepi Smart Dog due to Cokie's busy Hollywood schedule. So this week, we are very grateful to Cokie for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop for so long!
And a big thank you to Pepi for continuing the tradition!

Thank you everyone fur stopping by, baroooo buddies!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

(A Woof in sheep's clothing, BOL!)

*whispering: Mom's going to try to post photos of Halloweens past over the next few weeks.*

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rootin' Tootin' Tuesday!

   Mom's getting pretty psyched about her upcoming trip to BarkWorld! She's been making her lists (she's a bit of a kook about lists):
  • Registration, check!
  • Flight arranged, check!
  • Hotel plans, check!
    She's downloaded the BW Mobile App fur both her ipad and iphone so she'll be able to keep up with the sessions and speakers! 
   One of the sessions on her list that she's looking forward to is the Pet Food Network All Stars Kim Clune and Amy Burkert. They will be doing cooking demos, making healthy treats fur dogs and kitties, inspired by the Honest Kitchen. Mom makes a lot of my treats, so she's pretty psyched about this! Other sessions include Digital Scrapbooking, Pet CPR & Emergency Preparedness. There's so much to learn , and we won't even mention the Swag!

   And for all of her technical questions, the BarkWorld Genious Squad will be there! Yes, she has a list of questions too! *shaking head*

But one of the things that she's most excited about is......
She's thrilled that the kitties will be represented, barooo! 

  The very best part of BarkWorld is meeting so many of our on-line buddies, both old and new.

Here I am, hanging with the Shibbering Cheetos and the Hookalopes after the sessions at my first BarkWorld Expo in 2010! Their fans get a little crazy, but who can blame them, BOL!

Thanks fur stopping by buddies!

Monday, October 1, 2012

We Have A Winner!

We're so excited, this was our very first give-away and we'd like to thank all of you that stopped by and left a comment!


And the winner is Entry #94 Lenny O.! 

      Mom has sent an email to Lenny and the lovely people from Dogs Incorporated will be in touch with her about claiming her prize. We can't wait to hear what she picked out!

     We hope that you like the posters available at Dogs Incorporated. Mom thinks that they have some pretty nice collections and loves that  5% of the proceeds from the sale of every print is donated to animal rescue efforts. That's the icing on the cake pals!

      Later this week, we'll be posting our review of Rachael Ray Nutrish® Naturally Delish™ wet food for dogs. And we'll be giving away a box of assorted Nutrish® Naturally Delish™ dinners! 

Baroooo buddies! Thanks fur stopping by!