Monday, September 22, 2014

Cats & Dogs - A Giveaway! Oh My!

Hiya buddies!

      As many of you know, I share my home with a few kitties. Yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard it all before. "Fighting like cats and dogs", yada, yada. Well not at Chez Prudence! I've lived with kitties since mom brought me home and we get along fabulously just fine.
       For the most part, I respect their space and they respect mine, BOL! Okay,  I'll admit to snarfing up their food sometimes,. But in my defense I try my best to wait until they've finished! And sometimes I NEED to lay down on the same cushion on the couch that they're already laying down on, but I'm only canine, after all!

       Well, when mom went to BlogPaws in the spring, she visited the "Cat Style Lounge". Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther online magazine, displayed an array of terrific items, all made for kitties and the people that love them. Lots of cool ideas to make my fursibs (& me) happy! Next thing you know, we were sent an uncorrected proof of Kate and Jackson Galaxy new book "Catification - Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!)" to take a look at. Yowza!

    This book is full of great information, starting with the "human/feline" relationship. A lot of details to help the reader understand cats and what their specific needs are. It includes lots of "Catification" tips from Jackson's TV show "My Cat From Hell" too!

     So many great tips and lots of great ideas and stuff for the "Do It Yourself" crowd too. Mom really loves that!

    The publishing date for "Catification" is October 14th, but you can pre-order your copy now and for every copy preordered before the publishing date, $1 will be donated by the publisher to organizations dedicated to helping homeless cats! Nice! And anyone that preorders "Catification" will receive exclusive discounts toward and
      Now for some really good news! The kind folks at Tarcher/Penguin Publishing also sent a copy for one of our readers, along with a very cute Catification Kitty Lunch bag!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Meet Mocha, this Week's Tuesday's Tale!

Hi buddies!

This week we'd love for you to meet sweet Mocha!

Mocha is a beautiful young Pit/Lab mix. The description on her page says that she's full of energy and will make a great jogging partner. She's very friendly and has a great disposition. Mocha is in great condition and is a new arrival at the Newark Humane Society's shelter. She is very good on her leash and was easy to walk. No soft toys for her 'though, as they will be history, a good nylon bone would be better! Good food test, And she releases the raw hide when asked.
The shelter recommends a "one dog family" for her, as she is reported not to be good with other dogs.

Just look at that happy face! What a wonderful picture (and what a difference it makes too)!

Mocha is currently at the Newark Humane Society, in Newark, New Jersey.  And with each adoption, the Society will present a DVD on TRAINING YOUR DOG or YOUR ADOPTED CAT at no charge.The dog video will include problems with chewing, jumping, mouthing, etc., but who trains a cat, BOL? There are $300 worth of free coupons offered with the dog video and $100 in free coupons for each cat adopter. It's a win - win buddies!

The Tuesday's Tails Blog hop features shelter pets, all waiting for their forever homes. Please consider featuring a cat, dog or any pet at your local shelter on your blog and join the hop! Sharing these friends will certainly improve their chances of being adopted!
Thank you Dogs 'N Pawz & Talking Dogs for hosting! 
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wordless Wednesday...

Well, mom's on her way to something called a "Convention", where she's going to spend some time with her Irish pals. So that means I'm off to a "staycation" at the Barker Lounge!

Just catching a few zzz's before my fun starts!

Thanks for stopping by buddies!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Weekend Mischief!

Hi buddies!

As many of you know, I'm wild about Nutrish™ for dogs. Mom feeds me the Grain Free variety, mixed with some of the wet Nutrish Delish™.

Well, mom orders the Nutrish Delish™ from Amazon, as a monthly subscription. Our delivery was Saturday, and she thought that the box would be safe since it was unopened.

Silly lady! She came home to the torn box and the containers and lids scattered in the foyer!

I was in the middle of enjoying some when she took it all away! How mean of her was that?
Well, she couldn't resist sharing the aftermath with our friends, so we took a couple of pictures. She considered creating a sign, like you may have seen on those "dog shaming" memes, but I certainly didn't look shameful, BOL!

Hey, who could blame me? I know a good thing when I smell it, and this coonhound
has the nose that knows all!

Now, I'm a Nutrish™ Ambassador, but we're just letting you know that our Nutrish Delish™ shipment is paid for by mom. We're proud to have Nutrish™ as our sponsor!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday's Tails, Meet Bosco & Rosco!

Hi buddies!

This week we'd love for you to meet Bosco and Rosco! Just look at these faces!

Here's their story from their page:
 "Bosco (more white faced) and his brother Rosco (short tail) are two very tight knit, 18 month old brothers. Their love for one another is unmeasurable. They do everything together and so it was only fitting their evaluation be as one. These two are a duo. Together they walk well on the lead. Apart they get upset and cry.
"Both Bosco and Rosco are very gentle and loving. They enjoy toys and share them well. Both have no issues being handled head to tails even while they eat. Bosco and Rosco are good with people and other dogs. They love to go for walks and to just hang out. They are a beautiful pair of Old English bulldogs (Eng. Bulldog/pit cross). They would make any bully lover happy and proud. These are beautiful dogs with big hearts!"


These fellows are currently at the Newark Humane Society, in Newark, New Jersey.  And with each adoption, the Society will present a DVD on TRAINING YOUR DOG or YOUR ADOPTED CAT at no charge. The dog video will include problems with chewing, jumping, mouthing, etc., but who trains a cat, BOL?
There are $300 worth of free coupons offered with the dog video and $100 in free coupons for each cat adopter. It's a win - win buddies!
All my paws are crossed for these two! Hoping that they find their forever home, together soon!

The Tuesday's Tails Blog hop features shelter pets, all waiting for their forever homes. Please consider featuring a cat, dog or any pet at your local shelter on your blog and join the hop! Sharing these friends will certainly improve their chances of being adopted!
Thank you Dogs 'N Pawz & Talking Dogs for hosting! 
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday's Tails!

Hi buddies!
      If you haven't heard about it yet, June is "Adopt a Shelter Cat Month"! So this week, we'd like to introduce you to a couple of cool cats that are looking for their forever homes at the Newark Humane Society, in Newark, New Jersey.

Please say hello to Lucy!

Lucy is a little over a year old, and has spent most of her life at the shelter. She's a gentle sweetie that loves to play & get pets!

Next, please meet Onyx!

*psst: This gal looks a lot like my furbrother Wren!*
Onyx is another playful kitty that has spent way too much time at the shelter. They say she's very vocal too, she'll be sure to let you know when she wants your attention!

       Breaking news! During Adopt-A-Cat Month, cat and kitten adoption fees will be reduced from $75 to $50. Two cats or two kittens can be adopted together for the special reduced rate of $75. All cats and kittens will be micro-chipped free of charge. If the cat has not been altered, there is an additional low-cost fee of $35 or with the adoption of two cats, the altering fee is $60 for both. 

       As a thank you to those who already have brought cats into their lives, owners may bring their cats into our Animal Care Center and have them fitted with a Home Again microchip for only $20. Anyone adopting a cat or kitten or bringing in their own pets for micro-chipping will also receive a free family pass to Popcorn Park in Forked River, NJ!
       The above offer is only for the month of June. The adoption fee includes cardboard cat carrier, collar, i.d. tag and vaccinations. With each adoption, the Society will present a DVD on TRAINING YOUR DOG OR YOUR ADOPTED CAT at no charge. The dog video will include problems with chewing, jumping, mouthing, etc., but who trains a cat, BOL? There are $300 worth of free coupons offered with the dog video and $100 in free coupons for each cat adopter. It's a win - win buddies!

         One of the reasons many cats are surrendered to shelters is that they have a need to scratch. Some people see this behavior as destructive and give them up to a shelter or will resort to having them declawed, which is a terrible thing to do to any creature!
        While mom was at BlogPaws, she spent a lot of time in the Cat Style Lounge, checking out all the cool new merchandise for kitties! Our cats really love their cardboard scratchers. They go through them, well, like cardboard BOL! She was very impressed with the PetFusion line of scratchers. So just last week she ordered one online when she saw there was a sale.
        It should arrive soon, but in the meantime, the nice people from PetFusion got in touch with the visitors to the Cat Style Lounge to offer a 10% discount on their 3 new products: the Reversible Curve, 3 Sided Vertical, and Jumbo Scratcher Lounge. 

 Just visit their Amazon shop here, then when you've finished shopping, enter the promo code newpet10. The code is good through June 15th, 2014. These scratchers are made of recycled and recyclable corrugated cardboard and non-toxic corn starch glue. Their durable construction and dense cardboard promises to last longer than other scratchers.

        So, just to let you know, we weren't paid or given any compensation for writing about the PetFusion scratchers. We just want to share the price break if anyone is interested in purchasing one for their home. We'll be sure to let you know how this one holds up to our menagerie!
The Tuesday's Tails Blog hop features shelter pets, all waiting for their forever homes. Please consider featuring a cat, dog or any pet at your local shelter on your blog and join the hop! Sharing these friends will certainly improve their chances of being adopted!
Thank you Dogs 'N Pawz & Talking Dogs for hosting!

Monday, June 9, 2014

We're Back!

Hi buddies!

Sorry for being away from the blog, mom's been very busy since coming down to earth home from BlogPaws!

We've got so much to cover, she still has to do her BlogPaws "wrap-up" yet!
Mom was sorry that I wasn't able to go, but worse yet! She forgot "Flat Prudence"! Plush CK, the stand in fur the Stunning Kathy Keisha and Twitter sensation George the Duck managed to get packed for the trip out west, how could she leave my flat self behind?
*shaking head*

Well, at least she tried, BOL!

 So, despite the fact that I can open the magic cold box of goodies (known as the refrigerator by the people here) when I set my mind and nose to it, I'm pointing the paw at mom for being Mischievous on this Monday Mischief post!

 We have a lot of catching up to do pals! Some exciting product reviews are coming up and a give-away or two to boot!

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Thanks Snoopy for hosting the Monday Mischief Blog Hop! And thank you all for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

We've made it to BlogPaws pals!

Well, at least some of us did.
@CathyKeisha (plush version) & @GeorgeTheDuck are here, looking to party! 
Mom managed to leave Flat Prudence home, and I'm chilling with my crew at the Barker Lounge. But I'm not worried. She's going to learn lots of great stuff, perhaps get some new ideas and tips for our blog.  Best of all, she'll get to meet up with her our friends.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Z as in ....

Yowza! We've completed the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!

Zipping and zooming through life, till it's time to catch some more zzzz's!

This was fun, we managed to complete the "A to Z Blog Challenge", just one day late! For this we are very thankful! Now let's see what the month of May has in store for us!

Thanks for stopping by buddies!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Y as in ...

Almost finished with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"! Will we make it?


We had hoped to post a picture of a Yawning Yak Yearning to be a Yegg (a burglar of safes), but if mom had to draw that, we'd never get this post up!
Thanks for stopping by!

The photo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Attribution: Dennis Jarvis

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

X as in ...

We're still trying to keep up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!

By U.S. Navy photo by Thomas Obungen [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Buddies, we had to hit the dictionary for this one, BOL!

It means the "environmental design of residential and park land using various methods for minimizing the need for water use".
Which, in this crazy world, seems like it's a very important thing to know. Droughts have become more severe and even more prevalent. Here at Chez Prudence, we make sure that we don't waste water, as it really is a precious resource that sometimes can be taken for granted.
  Mom's hoping to build a "rain barrel" this summer, to help keep the garden watered. We'll be sure to let you know how it turns out! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

W as in ....

Barely keeping up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!
 What a Wonderful World that We live in!

"Earth from Space" by Image created by Reto Stöckli, Nazmi El Saleous, and Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, NASA GSFC from Wikimedia Commons.
Each and everyday day brings more Wonder to us!
Wishing you a wonderful day too!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 25, 2014

V as in ...

Still hanging in the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!
*Paws rifling through dictionary. Smacking paw to head!*

But of course! Venerating Vegetables!

Besides flowers, mom has a vegetable garden every year! It's something that she looks forward to, tends to all the time and we love the results!

If only she were able to grow bully sticks, BOL!

Thanks for stopping by!

U as in .....

Barely keeping up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!
  Upbeat and Urbane!

And Unusually late with our post! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

T as in .....

... the Test of Time, Trials and Tribulations!

Still trying to keep up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!

In just two short weeks, mom's going to be at BlogPaws! We really can't believe
how quickly time flies!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S as in ...

... knowing the Satisfaction of Saving a Shelter pet!

Still hanging in the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!
So, in keeping with the challenge, we'd like to introduce you to three cuties, whose names all start with the letter S!

Meet Sheba!

Here's what the good people at the Humane Societies in Newark, NJ have to say about sweet Sheba:
"Sheba is 2 year old domestic short hair, mostly grey with white kitty who came to the shelter as a stray on 10/10/13. She is a sweet, gentle kitty who is more interested in interacting with people than playing with toys. Sheba came right over to me and climbed into my arms when I opened her cage and called to her. She loved being held and didn't even mind all the small dogs that were barking around her. She had what she wanted my attention and my arms around her petting her."

Next, please meet Star and Stripes!

Star is a one year old domestic short hair calico, surrendered to the shelter in June, 2013.  Stripes is a three year old domestic short  hair, black and white. She was surrendered to the shelter in March, 2013. They’re both currently spending their time in the “Female Cat Room” at the Newark shelter.

Sheba, Star and Stripes, along with many other wonderful pets, are available for adoption at the Associated Humane Societies in Newark, New Jersey. All pets at the shelter are up to date on their shots and will be altered and micro-chipped once they've been adopted.
  Please visit their website or give the shelter a call at 973-824-7080.

  We love the wonderful photos, taken by Stacey Gammon of Stacey Gammon Pet Photography, of the adoptable dogs and cats on the Newark Humane Society's Petfinder pages, including this one of Star. As you can see, what a difference a great photograph can make!
 The Society offers free DVDs with all cat and dog adoptions at no charge. $300 worth of coupons are offered to each new dog parent and $100 worth of coupons for each new cat parent too!

Monday, April 21, 2014

R as in ....

Still keeping up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge!

Earth Day is tomorrow buddies, so today we'd like to remind everyone to

This has been our mantra for a while here at Chez Prudence. Mom has a compost pile, and we recycle our bottles, cans and cardboard too. Yes, it takes a little effort, but it's worth it! From what I hear, we only have one Mother Earth, and we need to show her a little more respect!

On a side note, mom's a crafter, so of course she has a stash of stuff that she knows she can "reinvent" some day! Baroooooo! This pup doesn't have the time for crafts unless it's dog related!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mind Your P's and Q's!

Always remember to mind your P's and Q's buddies!

(at least that's what mom always tells me, BOL!)

Keeping up with the "A to Z Blog Challenge"!            
We've often heard this, mom grew up hearing it she says. It was as a reminder for her to mind her manners. But after searching the vast "interwebs" for the source of this, we're still don't have a definitive answer!

So in the meantime, let's remember to mind our manners anyway, this way, there's no harm done!
Thanks for stopping by buddies!